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Cross-platform GPU scientific computing.

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wgcore: share & compose WGSL shaders

Provides simple abstractions over gpu resources based on `wgpu`. Compose shaders easily through proc-macros.

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wgebra: GPU linear-algebra primitives

Linear algebra primitives like quaternions, similarities. BLAS-like matrix and vector kernels.

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wgml: GPU machine-learning primitives

Build your own cross-platform GPU LLM transformer from a set of reusable WGSL operations and kernels (attention, layernorm, RoPE, etc.)

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wgparry: GPU collision-detection (WIP)

Compute distances, project points, cast rays, and detect collisions between geometric shapes.

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wgrapier: GPU rigid-body physics (WIP)

2D and 3D Rigid-body physics simulation on the GPU.

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wgsparkl: GPU non-rigid physics

GPU-based MPM implementation for simulating elastic bodies, sand, fluids, etc.